Drag & Drop in the Remotion Player
The Remotion Player supports reacting to mouse events allowing for building interactions on the canvas.
Try to drag and resize the elements below.
Pointer events work just like in regular React. Make these Remotion-specific considerations:
- Disable the
prop to disable any obstructing elements. You can render Playback controls outside of the Player. - The Player might have CSS
applied to it.
If you measure elements, you need to divide by the scale obtained byuseCurrentScale()
. - You can pass state update functions via
to the Player. Alternatively, using React Context also works.
Let's build the demo above.
The following features have been considered:
- Freely position and resizing the squares with the mouse.
- One item can be selected at a time. Clicking on an empty space will deselect the item.
- Items can not overflow the container, however the blue outlines can overflow the container.
In this example we store an identifier id
, start and end frame from
, the position left
, top
, width
and height
and a color
export typeItem = {id : number;durationInFrames : number;from : number;height : number;left : number;top : number;width : number;color : string;};
export typeItem = {id : number;durationInFrames : number;from : number;height : number;left : number;top : number;width : number;color : string;};
If you like to support different types of items (solid, video, image), see here.
importReact , {useMemo } from 'react';import {Sequence } from 'remotion';import type {Item } from './item';export constLayer :React .FC <{item :Item ;}> = ({item }) => {conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {backgroundColor :item .color ,position : 'absolute',left :item .left ,top :item .top ,width :item .width ,height :item .height ,};}, [item .color ,item .height ,item .left ,item .top ,item .width ]);return (<Sequence key ={item .id }from ={item .from }durationInFrames ={item .durationInFrames }layout ="none"><div style ={style } /></Sequence >);};
importReact , {useMemo } from 'react';import {Sequence } from 'remotion';import type {Item } from './item';export constLayer :React .FC <{item :Item ;}> = ({item }) => {conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {backgroundColor :item .color ,position : 'absolute',left :item .left ,top :item .top ,width :item .width ,height :item .height ,};}, [item .color ,item .height ,item .left ,item .top ,item .width ]);return (<Sequence key ={item .id }from ={item .from }durationInFrames ={item .durationInFrames }layout ="none"><div style ={style } /></Sequence >);};
By using a <Sequence>
component, the item is only displayed from from
until from + durationInFrames
By adding layout="none"
, the <div>
is mounted as a direct child to the DOM.
importReact , {useCallback ,useMemo } from 'react';import {useCurrentScale } from 'remotion';import {ResizeHandle } from './ResizeHandle';import type {Item } from './item';export constSelectionOutline :React .FC <{item :Item ;changeItem : (itemId : number,updater : (item :Item ) =>Item ) => void;setSelectedItem :React .Dispatch <React .SetStateAction <number | null>>;selectedItem : number | null;}> = ({item ,changeItem ,setSelectedItem ,selectedItem }) => {constscale =useCurrentScale ();constscaledBorder =Math .ceil (2 /scale );const [hovered ,setHovered ] =React .useState (false);constonMouseEnter =useCallback (() => {setHovered (true);}, []);constonMouseLeave =useCallback (() => {setHovered (false);}, []);constselected =item .id ===selectedItem ;conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {width :item .width ,height :item .height ,left :item .left ,top :item .top ,position : 'absolute',outline :hovered ||selected ? `${scaledBorder }px solid #0B84F3` :undefined ,userSelect : 'none',};}, [hovered ,item ,scaledBorder ,selected ]);conststartDragging =useCallback ((e :PointerEvent |React .MouseEvent ) => {constinitialX =e .clientX ;constinitialY =e .clientY ;constonPointerMove = (pointerMoveEvent :PointerEvent ) => {constoffsetX = (pointerMoveEvent .clientX -initialX ) /scale ;constoffsetY = (pointerMoveEvent .clientY -initialY ) /scale ;changeItem (item .id , (i ) => {constupdatedItem :Item = {...(i asItem ),left :Math .round (item .left +offsetX ),top :Math .round (item .top +offsetY ),};returnupdatedItem asItem ;});};constonPointerUp = () => {window .removeEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove );};window .addEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove , {passive : true});window .addEventListener ('pointerup',onPointerUp , {once : true,});},[item ,scale ,changeItem ],);constonPointerDown =useCallback ((e :React .MouseEvent ) => {e .stopPropagation ();if (e .button !== 0) {return;}setSelectedItem (item .id );startDragging (e );},[item .id ,setSelectedItem ,startDragging ],);return (<div onPointerDown ={onPointerDown }onPointerEnter ={onMouseEnter }onPointerLeave ={onMouseLeave }style ={style }>{selected ? (<><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="top-left" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="top-right" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="bottom-left" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="bottom-right" /></>) : null}</div >);};
importReact , {useCallback ,useMemo } from 'react';import {useCurrentScale } from 'remotion';import {ResizeHandle } from './ResizeHandle';import type {Item } from './item';export constSelectionOutline :React .FC <{item :Item ;changeItem : (itemId : number,updater : (item :Item ) =>Item ) => void;setSelectedItem :React .Dispatch <React .SetStateAction <number | null>>;selectedItem : number | null;}> = ({item ,changeItem ,setSelectedItem ,selectedItem }) => {constscale =useCurrentScale ();constscaledBorder =Math .ceil (2 /scale );const [hovered ,setHovered ] =React .useState (false);constonMouseEnter =useCallback (() => {setHovered (true);}, []);constonMouseLeave =useCallback (() => {setHovered (false);}, []);constselected =item .id ===selectedItem ;conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {width :item .width ,height :item .height ,left :item .left ,top :item .top ,position : 'absolute',outline :hovered ||selected ? `${scaledBorder }px solid #0B84F3` :undefined ,userSelect : 'none',};}, [hovered ,item ,scaledBorder ,selected ]);conststartDragging =useCallback ((e :PointerEvent |React .MouseEvent ) => {constinitialX =e .clientX ;constinitialY =e .clientY ;constonPointerMove = (pointerMoveEvent :PointerEvent ) => {constoffsetX = (pointerMoveEvent .clientX -initialX ) /scale ;constoffsetY = (pointerMoveEvent .clientY -initialY ) /scale ;changeItem (item .id , (i ) => {constupdatedItem :Item = {...(i asItem ),left :Math .round (item .left +offsetX ),top :Math .round (item .top +offsetY ),};returnupdatedItem asItem ;});};constonPointerUp = () => {window .removeEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove );};window .addEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove , {passive : true});window .addEventListener ('pointerup',onPointerUp , {once : true,});},[item ,scale ,changeItem ],);constonPointerDown =useCallback ((e :React .MouseEvent ) => {e .stopPropagation ();if (e .button !== 0) {return;}setSelectedItem (item .id );startDragging (e );},[item .id ,setSelectedItem ,startDragging ],);return (<div onPointerDown ={onPointerDown }onPointerEnter ={onMouseEnter }onPointerLeave ={onMouseLeave }style ={style }>{selected ? (<><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="top-left" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="top-right" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="bottom-left" /><ResizeHandle item ={item }setItem ={changeItem }type ="bottom-right" /></>) : null}</div >);};
importReact , {useCallback ,useMemo } from 'react';import {useCurrentScale } from 'remotion';import type {Item } from './item';constHANDLE_SIZE = 8;export constResizeHandle :React .FC <{type : 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';setItem : (itemId : number,updater : (item :Item ) =>Item ) => void;item :Item ;}> = ({type ,setItem ,item }) => {constscale =useCurrentScale ();constsize =Math .round (HANDLE_SIZE /scale );constsizeStyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {position : 'absolute',height :size ,width :size ,backgroundColor : 'white',border : '1px solid #0B84F3',};}, [size ]);constmargin = -size / 2 - 1 /scale ;conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {if (type === 'top-left') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginLeft :margin ,marginTop :margin ,cursor : 'nwse-resize',};}if (type === 'top-right') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginTop :margin ,marginRight :margin ,right : 0,cursor : 'nesw-resize',};}if (type === 'bottom-left') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginBottom :margin ,marginLeft :margin ,bottom : 0,cursor : 'nesw-resize',};}if (type === 'bottom-right') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginBottom :margin ,marginRight :margin ,right : 0,bottom : 0,cursor : 'nwse-resize',};}throw newError ('Unknown type: ' +JSON .stringify (type ));}, [margin ,sizeStyle ,type ]);constonPointerDown =useCallback ((e :React .MouseEvent ) => {e .stopPropagation ();constinitialX =e .clientX ;constinitialY =e .clientY ;constonPointerMove = (pointerMoveEvent :PointerEvent ) => {constoffsetX = (pointerMoveEvent .clientX -initialX ) /scale ;constoffsetY = (pointerMoveEvent .clientY -initialY ) /scale ;setItem (item .id , (i ) => {constnewWidth =Math .max (1,Math .round (item .width +(type === 'bottom-left' ||type === 'top-left'? -offsetX :offsetX ),),);constnewHeight =Math .max (1,Math .round (item .height +(type === 'top-left' ||type === 'top-right'? -offsetY :offsetY ),),);constnewLeft =Math .min (item .left +item .width - 1,Math .round (item .left +(type === 'bottom-left' ||type === 'top-left' ?offsetX : 0),),);constnewTop =Math .min (item .top +item .height - 1,Math .round (item .top +(type === 'top-left' ||type === 'top-right' ?offsetY : 0),),);constupdatedItem :Item = {...i ,width :newWidth ,height :newHeight ,left :newLeft ,top :newTop ,};returnupdatedItem ;});};constonPointerUp = () => {window .removeEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove );};window .addEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove , {passive : true});window .addEventListener ('pointerup',onPointerUp , {once : true,});},[item ,scale ,setItem ,type ],);return <div onPointerDown ={onPointerDown }style ={style } />;};
importReact , {useCallback ,useMemo } from 'react';import {useCurrentScale } from 'remotion';import type {Item } from './item';constHANDLE_SIZE = 8;export constResizeHandle :React .FC <{type : 'top-left' | 'top-right' | 'bottom-left' | 'bottom-right';setItem : (itemId : number,updater : (item :Item ) =>Item ) => void;item :Item ;}> = ({type ,setItem ,item }) => {constscale =useCurrentScale ();constsize =Math .round (HANDLE_SIZE /scale );constsizeStyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {return {position : 'absolute',height :size ,width :size ,backgroundColor : 'white',border : '1px solid #0B84F3',};}, [size ]);constmargin = -size / 2 - 1 /scale ;conststyle :React .CSSProperties =useMemo (() => {if (type === 'top-left') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginLeft :margin ,marginTop :margin ,cursor : 'nwse-resize',};}if (type === 'top-right') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginTop :margin ,marginRight :margin ,right : 0,cursor : 'nesw-resize',};}if (type === 'bottom-left') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginBottom :margin ,marginLeft :margin ,bottom : 0,cursor : 'nesw-resize',};}if (type === 'bottom-right') {return {...sizeStyle ,marginBottom :margin ,marginRight :margin ,right : 0,bottom : 0,cursor : 'nwse-resize',};}throw newError ('Unknown type: ' +JSON .stringify (type ));}, [margin ,sizeStyle ,type ]);constonPointerDown =useCallback ((e :React .MouseEvent ) => {e .stopPropagation ();constinitialX =e .clientX ;constinitialY =e .clientY ;constonPointerMove = (pointerMoveEvent :PointerEvent ) => {constoffsetX = (pointerMoveEvent .clientX -initialX ) /scale ;constoffsetY = (pointerMoveEvent .clientY -initialY ) /scale ;setItem (item .id , (i ) => {constnewWidth =Math .max (1,Math .round (item .width +(type === 'bottom-left' ||type === 'top-left'? -offsetX :offsetX ),),);constnewHeight =Math .max (1,Math .round (item .height +(type === 'top-left' ||type === 'top-right'? -offsetY :offsetY ),),);constnewLeft =Math .min (item .left +item .width - 1,Math .round (item .left +(type === 'bottom-left' ||type === 'top-left' ?offsetX : 0),),);constnewTop =Math .min (item .top +item .height - 1,Math .round (item .top +(type === 'top-left' ||type === 'top-right' ?offsetY : 0),),);constupdatedItem :Item = {...i ,width :newWidth ,height :newHeight ,left :newLeft ,top :newTop ,};returnupdatedItem ;});};constonPointerUp = () => {window .removeEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove );};window .addEventListener ('pointermove',onPointerMove , {passive : true});window .addEventListener ('pointerup',onPointerUp , {once : true,});},[item ,scale ,setItem ,type ],);return <div onPointerDown ={onPointerDown }style ={style } />;};